Local Campaigns. Local Dollars. $250 Cap.

These limits will apply to my campaign for Select Board:

  • Solicitations will be limited to $250 per individual. Higher amounts will be politely declined with a request to limit to $250.

  • Solicitations will be limited to residents of Brookline, former residents of Brookline, those who work and conduct businesses in Brookline, and immediate family members of candidates (because who wants to say "no" to a parent or sibling or adult child who offers help?). 

  • No acceptance of funds from non-local fundraising networks.

  • No donations accepted from political action committees or the leftover campaign funds of other candidates in other elections.

  • And finally, my favorite rule: funds remaining after this campaign committee is dissolved will be donated to local charities.

or mail a check to:

Committee to Elect John VanScoyoc
P.O. Box 470588
Brookline, MA 02447